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Register of Business/Financial Interests

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Pecuniary interests were last checked January 2023.

Name Name of Business Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date of Appointment of Acquisition Date of Cessation of Interest
J Barlow Ravenscroft Primary School. Chair of Standards



Co-opted Governor at Ravenscroft 01/011/16  
C Ford Nil 25/07/19
M Wynn Nil 21/03/19
H Lea Wilson St Mary’s Church/Childwall Primary School Church/Education Vicar/Trustee 28/02/21  
J Griffiths LA

Risk and Resilience in


LA 15/11/19  
J Hegarty Nil

L Ambrose  PTFA: KVPS Education  Parent Gov  09/09/14  20/04/21
Mrs C Healey Teacher at KV Education  Staff Governor 3/01/23  
Miss K Bolger     Parent 1/11/21  
Mrs J Gannon     Parent 1/11/21  

Guidance notes

Governors have a legal duty to act only in the best interests of their schools. Where a situation arises in which they cannot do this due to a personal interest they have, steps should be taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict. This ensures governors are acting in the best interests of the school.

The above certify that they have declared all interests which they or any person / firm / company connected to them have with business or other organisations which may have dealings with the company.

Declaring conflicts of interest is a legal requirement within the School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013 and for academies, in the Articles of Association and Academies Financial Handbook. However, making an annual declaration does not remove your requirement to make an oral disclosure of the interest and temporarily leave the meeting, where the interest is relevant to something being discussed.

Pecuniary interests

Generally, governors should not participate in any discussions in which they may directly or indirectly benefit from a pecuniary interest, except where the relevant authority has authorised this i.e. legislation for maintained schools or articles of association for academies. A direct benefit refers to any personal financial benefit and an indirect benefit refers to any financial benefit you may have by virtue of a relationship to someone who stands to gain from a decision of the governing body. Both direct and indirect interests must be declared.

Non-pecuniary interests (Conflicts of loyalty)

There may be a non-pecuniary interest whereby the governor does not stand to gain any benefit but a declaration should still be made. For example, this might be where a governor has a family member working in the school. While the governor might not benefit personally, their judgment could be impaired if something was brought up that would affect the family member.

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