Term Dates
School Start and Finish Times
Reception, Y1 and Y2: Start at 8:40am and finish at 3:10pm.
Y3 and Y4: Start at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm.
Y5 and Y6: Start at 8:50am and finish at 3:20pm.
Total time in school per week: 32.5 hours.
Morning session – 8.30am – 11.30am
Afternoon session – 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Extended Session (30 hours) for eligible parents 8.30am – 3.30pm. In addition to the 30 hours funded sessions, eligible children will stay during lunchtime from 11.30am to 12.30pm for an additional wraparound childcare cost of £4.00. Nursery children staying for a school dinner cost is £2.40 per day, alternatively, children may bring their own packed lunch.