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Pupil Voice/Roles

Roles and Responsibilities of the Children Pupil Voice

“We have a strong pupil voice and our views and opinions are listened to and respected. We have a responsibility to help other children and the school”

Team Captains/Vice Captains

Each year Year 6 are elected for this imported role. We help throughout the year in different ways and represent the school. We encourage our team members and the children in other houses too. We give speeches in assembly to encourage and support the children.

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New Y6 Team Captains and Vice House Captains: Elected September 2023

Head teacher Ambassadors

Children in Year 6 are chosen for their personal, social and or academic attitude and achievements to represent Knowsley Village School on behalf of the Headteacher. This role involves meeting parents, visitors and Governors and helping Mrs Barlow too with the school vision, values and ethos.

Student Council

We have a very strong school council made up of children from Year 1 to year 6. The children meet monthly, discuss school improvement from their perspective, suggest ideas and carry out projects. The school council is supported by our KS1 Leader and a Governor. Our student election week takes place in the Autumn term.

“I like being part of our school council team.  It is a great opportunity to discuss what our school may need.  I like having this responsibility and representing other pupils at our school.  Our meetings are very important.” 

“Being a member of the school is council is great.  We get to make lots of important decisions and choose special things for our school, on behalf of all the children. We are a very happy school”

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At lunch time we have a buddy system where the older children help the little children. This is a big responsibility and take this role very seriously and we have fun too!

Reading Buddies

Children in K S2 weekly read to and with children in Reception.


We help Miss Rowe with the library and we enjoy being responsible for keeping our learning environment exciting and tidy.

Digital Leaders

Children in Ks2 are trained to help other children and teachers with iPads

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ECO Team

Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 children who support the school by looking after our environment

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Democratic Circle Groups

These happen in classrooms. Classes meet regularly and discuss things about school

Children’s Nominations

Children nominate each other for Good choices. Awards are presented in Monday’s assembly with Mrs Barlow.Mrs Barlow and the children in Year 6 nominate children to be Y6 ambassadors.

All children

All children are actively encouraged to speak to teachers about how they feel. Teachers will actively speak to children about this too.They know they are valued and respected and they are encouraged to have a voice.Their education is supported by  our values and ethos. They are encouraged to be responsible, independent, have high expectations, care, respect, have fun, be happy, learn and to enjoy being part of a school team. There is a special postbox outside Mrs Barlows room, where children can post pictures and letters,concerns and ideas.

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