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Year 6

In Year 6 Lions we have taken on a lot of responsibilities to support the school, such as Team Captains, Vice-Captains, Sports leaders, Librarians and Headteacher Ambassadors, we also enjoy supporting the younger children with their reading, maths, organising colouring clubs and playground equipment. 

We are enjoying our geography topic this term Frozen Kingdom – learning about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and carrying out a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them. In science we have been developing our knowledge of electrical circuits and components: recognising how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and recording circuits using standard symbols. We are also researching the Inuit way of life, including their artistic traditions – creating soap sculptures and prints.

Useful information about Year 6:

Homework is set each Friday and can be submitted on Seesaw.

Spellings and times tables are also set each Friday and will be tested the following week.

Children have access to SATs Companion online learning and tasks are set weekly for the children to complete at home or in school.

Our PE day is Monday. Children should come to school on this day in their school PE kit.

Curriculum Plans can be viewed on our Curriculum pages.

Home and School Learning 

Please access your home and school Learning account through Seesaw. Choose “I’m a Student” and scan QR code or input your unique number. Please share your learning experiences via Seesaw.

Further activities can be completed via the following resources:

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