Curriculum and Standards (Includes Inclusion and Safeguarding)
This Committee is made up of five Governors, this includes the Headteacher and any members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team as required. The main purpose of the committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment, progress, inclusion, groups of learners, SEND and ensuring that the curriculum has been fully implemented in line with government regulations. Committee members monitor how the school is performing. The Safeguarding Governor also meets with the schools Safeguarding Team at least termly or as required. The school has undertaken Safeguarding training and has been made aware of and understand the content within the recently circulated revised Safeguarding Policy
This Committee is made up of five governors including the Headteacher. Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. Committee members monitor how the school is performing.
This committee meets at least twice a year to discuss and determine policies and decisions linked to Pay.
Full Governors
This committee meets once a term and governors representing all committees attend to discuss Governor Body Business, Governor training, reports from other committees and all are involved in school improvement and development. To support school improvement thematics are shared amongst Governors linked to their area of training and expertise.