Religious education helps children to develop a framework of values and as we are a community school religious education also helps to develop an understanding and interest in other religions and ways of life. At Knowsley Village we respect and value the beliefs and values of other races and religions and embrace all into our school community. The children are introduced to a variety of different religions such as Christianity and Hinduism. We follow the Wirral agreed syllabus for Religious Education and World Views 2019. We want to prepare pupils for the religious belief and diversity in Britain and the wilder world: supporting our pupils to engage deeply with the questions raised by the study of religion and world views to enable pupils to hold balanced and well formed conversations and to reflect on a develop their own personal world views. We want our children to develop their knowledge of the world faiths and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs of others. This contributes to their developing knowledge understanding skills and attitudes which are necessary for their fulfilment and their development as active and responsible citizens.
Every pupil has a legal entitlement to RE. RE is an inclusive and necessary part of the broad and balanced curriculum, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This provision will be the parents’ responsibility. We do have good community links with the church and regularly hold events at the local church, St Mary’s.