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Our Curriculum Intent

Our School vision is to create an outstanding school that improves pupil’s life chances and prepares for lifelong learning in the 21st century.  Class Curriculum Plans can be viewed here.

Our curriculum meets the statutory regulations of the National Curriculum 2014. They are encouraged to take on both challenges and ownership in a happy and safe learning environment. We embed this curriculum design through our values of Responsibility, Expectations, Success, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Care and Team work.

Curriculum Implementation

The core subject are English, Maths and Science but the children also cover the wider curriculum subjects known as Foundation Subjects :


We ensure through careful assessments, monitoring and planning that the children progress through mathematics and have fun!. We aim to provide a maths curriculum that is accessible and meaningful to all children throughout their stages at school. We want each child to have a positive attitude towards Maths and have the skills, ability and confidence to deal with all aspects of mathematics in an independent way both in school and at home.


Knowsley Village primary School aims to develop and extend the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening through a variety of approaches and teaching methods through a creatively packed English curriculum.

The children are encouraged to take home a range of books to share with parents as will as to help become fluent, independent readers. The children are able to choose books from the graded reading scheme, the class libraries and from the school library. ( see information on reading for more detail) We have achieved the Reading Quality Mark.

At Knowsley Village CP we aim to make children competent and confident writers who are able to write their own fiction, poetry and non fiction texts. The teaching of spelling and handwriting and grammar are key skills necessary to develop fluent confident writing.

Drama, discussions and oral presentations are used to enhance and develop language skills.


Children learn about a wide range of livings things, materials and phenomena. They investigate by exploring, asking observing and collecting evidence. The children learn to work independently and with others communicating their ideas and findings by using scientific language diagrams charts and graphs.We have  achieved the Silver award for the Science Quality Mark.


Knowsley Village Community School is a small school with a big vision. We have interactive TV screens in every class and a wide range of technologies available, including PC’s, Apple Macs and iPads.  Through rapid advances in technologies we like to update our resources, most recently introducing robots and we regularly refresh the latest learning apps.  We strongly believe that children learn in a variety of ways and ICT can foster children’s learning styles, abilities and love for learning plus it can be incorporated to enhance other curriculum subjects. The Computing Curriculum is delivered through Digital Productivity, Digital Creativity, Computing and Digital Citizenship (inc E-safety).


Through PE children learn new skills, discover confidence,  experience teamwork and discover their aptitude and ability to make healthy choices. We provide a curriculum and opportunities for children to physical, creative and competitive in a healthy way. The children cover a range of physical activities including dance, gymnastics and athletic games. We have a sports coach who assists all physical activities

Design Technology

Children are provided with opportunities and experiences across the curriculum, this enables pupils to take part in a broad range of practical activities directly concerned with – Identifying needs, generating ideas, planning and designing, making and testing and evaluating. Children have the opportunity to work with textiles and also food technology in every year group.


We strive to provide an enriched and creative curriculum, art being just one of the ways this is achieved. Visits to local galleries, workshops and visits by professional artists inspire and enhance the children’s learning.


The children have weekly music lessons which involve a variety of activities. We use  the  Charanga Scheme which meets all the curricular requirements of the National Curriculum for England. The Charanga School Scheme is a music program for schools that provides a step-by-step approach to teaching music across Primary  Schools. At Knowsley Village we also offer after school  keyboard sessions from the Music Squad and school is supported weekly via the LA Performing Arts Team.


Religious education helps children to develop a framework of values and as we are a community school religious education also helps to develop an understanding and interest in other religions and ways of life. At Knowsley Village we respect and value the beliefs and values of other races and religions and embrace all into our school community. The children are introduced to a variety of different religions such as Christianity and Hinduism. We follow the Wirral  agreed syllabus for Religious Education and World Views 2019. We want to prepare pupils for the religious belief and diversity in Britain and the wilder world: supporting our pupils to engage deeply with the questions raised by the study of religion and world views to enable pupils to hold balanced and well formed conversations and to reflect on a develop their own personal world views. We want our children to develop their knowledge of the world faiths and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs of others. This contributes to their developing knowledge understanding skills and attitudes which are necessary for their fulfilment and their development as active and responsible citizens.

Every pupil has a legal entitlement to RE. RE is an inclusive and necessary part of the broad and balanced curriculum, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This provision will be the parents’ responsibility. We do have good community links with the church and regularly hold events at the local church, St Mary’s.


Children are naturally receptive to learning different languages and we have taught French across the school. From September 2017 due to pupil voice we now teach Spanish across KS2. We believe that learning a language provides a valuable educational, social, and cultural experience. Learning and language provides excitement, enjoyment and challenge for children and teachers, helping to create enthusiastic learners and to develop positive attitudes to language learning throughout life. Learning a language enhances intercultural understanding, and pupils also gain a deeper understanding of their own culture.


A personal social, health and emotional education runs alongside the core curriculum. We foster good personal skills and we believe at Knowsley Village it is important to meet these needs. We are committed to equality of opportunity for all children irrespective of their race, gender, or disability. We strongly believe that each child feels valued and secure within school.

We promote healthy eating through our healthy snack options and through healthy lunches and through encouraging the children to be active at playtimes and lunchtimes. The children have access to play equipment to promote physical exercise and fun.

We recognise the talents children have and strive to challenge. The children are giving learning experiences that match their need in terms of pace, depth, challenge and individual learning style. We have close links with the Prescot School.

RSHE Presentation for parents and carers


We do have a homework policy which is available to parents. The homework is tailored to meet the needs of the children in the year that they are in. The homework mirrors the learning that takes place in school. We strongly believe that homework does benefit the children as it strengthens the links between home and school. We do however want the homework to be fun and a pleasurable time for parents and children. If there are problems or concerns over homework we are happy to help.We run a KS2 homework club after school on a Friday

Curriculum Timetable

Maths  and English are taught daily across the school. Science, RE, ICT, and FL ( KS2) are taught weekly. Some Foundation Subjects are taught as a block across a half term depending on the theme for example Art and Technology, History and Geography.

National Curriculum Information can be accessed here.

Curriculum Impact

Children are expected to make good or better progress in all subjects and this individual progress is tracked and reported to parents and carers. The impact of the curriculum is reviewed half termly and progress is measured against end of year outcomes for individual pupils and for each year group. Our curriculum will enable our pupils to become good citizens, showing appreciation for each other, school community, wider community and the world. Our pupils will be respectful and show tolerance and acceptance towards others.

The curriculum is monitored regularly by Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leads to ensure:

  • Depth of coverage of all subjects
  • Knowledge and skills
  • Careful balance of all subjects
  • Consistent standards across all subjects
  • Engaged, creative independent learning evident
  • Curriculum links to context of school and learner
  • Accurate assessment for learning
  • Impact on standards and progress for all learners
  • Feedback moving the learning forward

SEN Information

Please view our SEN page for our SEN Information Report.

More information

If you require any further information about our school curriculum then please just contact the school.