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Read, Write, Inc

Read Write Inc. – Phonics

At Knowsley Village Primary we follow the Read Write Inc approach to teaching Reading and Phonics, supplemented with additional reading materials.

The Read Write Inc programme gets children off to a flying start with their literacy. Read Write Inc is a method of learning centred round letter sounds and phonics, and we use it to aid children in their reading and writing.

Reading opens the door to learning. A child who reads a lot will become a good reader. A good reader will be able to read more challenging material. A child who reads challenging material is a child who will learn. The more a child learns, the more he or she will want to find out.

Using Read Write Inc, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. It also allows them to spell effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into composing what they write.

Our approach is systematic, consistent and rigorous in order that all children become readers as quickly as possible.

We use the same phonics programme across the school (Reception – Year 2) providing continuity and a vehicle for guaranteed progression.

Pupils are taught in ability groups in Year 1 and Year 2 thus enabling them to be taught according to their reading level not their age. Teaching is very precise and tailored to the needs of each child irrespective of year group.

The alphabetic code is taught first with children learning new sounds and practising pronouncing and blending these sounds on a daily basis. Simple mnemonics help the children grasp the letter sounds quickly.

Then we match the sounds pupils know to the books they read, getting children to read those books a few times which helps them to read using a story tellers voice. Additionally children hear lots of other stories in school thus increasing their story knowledge and vocabulary.

Read Write Inc sessions take place on a daily basis.

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