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Weekly Attendance Awards

Our weekly attendance target is 97%

Attendance and Punctuality in school is very important and Knowsley Village Community Primary School values each young person as a member of the school community. Absences impacts on progress and friendship groups. If your child is ill and needs to be absent from school please contact school as soon as possible to let us know tel: 01512895349 or send a message via Parent App.  School has a duty of care to contact parents on the first day of absence if school is not notified. The attendance service are informed if contact can not be made.  If you do need to make an appointment which is not an emergency please try to book appointments after school.
Holidays should be taken during the school holidays as school cannot authorise holidays and days out of school . The Local Authority will become involved if attendance falls below 90% as this is classed as persistent non attendance.

Further information about School Attendance and issue of Fixed Penalties can be found below. Any questions regarding attendance and punctionality, please contact school.