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Behaviour & Safety

Behaviour and Values

Responsibility Expectation Success Perseverance Enthusiasm Care Teamwork

Respect for All

Our behaviour and ethos is to:

  • encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere
  • foster positive,respectful and caring attitudes towards everyone
  • recognise and value achievement in and outside of school
  • encourage self-discipline, independence and choices
  • have clear and consistent behaviour strategies “Choices’
  • promote good learning behaviour in class “Going For Gold”
  • develop “Growth Mindset’ for all learners adults and children

Welfare and Safety

*Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and Punctuality in school is very important and Knowsley Village Community Primary School values each young person as a member of the school community and we positively encourage and celebrate weekly each of the classes attendance and punctuality. At the end of every term/year awards are given to children who have had a 100% attendance record.

If your child is absent from school please contact school as soon as possible to let us know tel: 01512895349.  School has a duty of care to contact parents on the first day of absence if school is not notified. The attendance service are informed if contact can not be made.

If you do need to make an appointment which is not an emergency please try to book appointments after school.

Holidays should be taken during the school holidays as school cannot authorise holidays and days out of school . If you require a special leave of absence.A form can be collected from the school office and a meeting arranged with the Headteacher. This does not include holidays.

Any questions regarding attendance and punctionality, please contact school.


The safety of our children is of course up most in our priorities at all times, through our regular safeguarding meetings, pupil voice, safeguarding procedures and governors we ensure all children are achieving, happy and safe within our school.

“Mrs Barlow and Mrs Greensmith are the guards of our safety”  Chloe

Mrs Barlow is the guardian of our hearts and minds”  Kathryn

Safeguarding Policy Information


Please only take photos/recordings of your own child/children and ask permission from other parents before putting photos on social sites if other children are on the pictures

*Child protection

Mrs J Barlow is the Child Protection Lead and Mrs Greensmith is the Deputy CP Lead. Any concerns are dealt with through the correct procedures and handled with sensitivity and confidentiality at all times.

E-Safety: Our E Safety Mascot is “Ellie the Elephant”- so we never forget!

We have planned activities to raise awareness about Intenet Safety.  We also participate in Safer Internet Day each year. Further E-safety advice can be obtained by viewing our E-safety page.  A copy of our schools ‘Internet Code of Conduct’ can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Pupils ICT Code of Conduct

*Travel/Road Safety

Personal Safety Top Tips by

* At night, always use popular, well lit paths.

* Keep wallets and purses secure.

* Never give bank or credit card details to someone who contacts you, even in person.

* While at home, if an unknown visitor calls always check their identification

* Dont use cash machines if you see people hanging around them, or if the card slot looks unusual.

* Dont withdraw more cash than you need or count money in a public place.

Please click here for further information with regards to Road Safety plus a letter from our Chair of Governors, Ms A Hambley with regards to Health & Safety and Parking

Children walking to school as part of othe WOW iniativative


Health and Safety

Measles advice
Over the summer months, with people being out and about more, Knowsley’s Public Health team are issuing advice and guidance around measles, which is extremely infectious. Symptoms include high fever, sore, red and watery eyes, coughing, aching and feeling generally unwell and a blotchy red / brown rash.  You can help by ensuring your children receive two MMR vaccines on time (one at the age of one and the other at aged 3 years and 4 months).  If your children have missed these vaccines, it’s not too late, so contact your GP to make an appointment to ensure your children are up-to-date.  Teenagers and young adults should also be fully vaccinated before traveling or attending festivals and other summer events.  If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. For further information, visit (search measles).

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